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The Art of Finding Winning Products
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Winning Products Will Transform Your Shopify Dropshipping Business

Why Winning Products Will Transform Your Shopify Dropshipping Business

There are 1.3 million e-commerce companies in North America alone. 97% of these stores FAIL. How can you be sure your store is one of the 3% of successful e-commerce stores?

The truth is, ecommerce isn’t easy.

And without the right product, carefully chosen with consideration...you are bound to fail. Random products will not bring you sales. You need a strategy. You need a method.

There will be thousands of articles on the internet telling you what product you need to stock to instantly earn millions. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around, and it is easy to get sucked into it.

I know, because when I was starting my ecommerce store, I was confused too. I found myself listening to dropshipping gurus who promised easy success, when in reality they had never owned dropshipping stores themselves.

Dropshipping is not a hobby. It's a business. It's entrepreneurship.

You will not gain spectacular profits from your store without putting in effort. Without research and learning and strategy.

This is the perfect place to start; you will learn the first and most crucial part of dropshipping.

Finding products that sell.

Picking products at random, placing them on your website in lists and running ads for them is going to kill your business before it even begins. You’re wasting your money and time, doing this.

In this ebook, you will learn how to select the best products for your ecommerce store, using different channels and media. It will show you a new way of doing business.

It will provide you with a map to e-commerce, that gives you information that other store-owners don’t have.

It will teach you how to research trends, markets, audiences, finances, and your personal choices while selecting products. It will teach you how to test products, and how to finalise them.

It will teach you a better strategy for your ecommerce store. A strategy for success.

Mindset For Success: Self Awareness In E-com and Enjoying the Journey

Self awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. 

Self awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive your brand, and strategy.

When it comes to building any business, self awareness is crucial. 

Without it, your chances of success are very slim.

The issue is: most people think they are self aware but they actually aren’t. 

This is very often what separates my successful students from other people.

You need to understand that struggling in business/ecom is part of the process. 

When you start, you will feel lost/confused and that’s totally normal.

You might think that you understand how ecom works but that’s just an illusion. 

Only with time and the right knowledge you will start to see the big picture.

Everyday I see people creating a bad looking website, picking a product almost at random, launching an ad without any knowledge and expecting people to give them money. This is a pure delusion.

Success is a journey, not a destination, you will face many ups and downs along the way so you can’t only be driven by money. You need to enjoy the process because being an entrepreneur is much harder and more stressful than a 9 to 5 job. You need to have fun while you are doing it otherwise as soon as it will get tough you will give up.

I see it happen all the time.

You need to look around you, take inspiration from famous e-commerce websites and slowly learn the craft.

You simply cannot burn steps. Becoming good at this takes time, like anything else in life. Take your time, learn, try, fail, try again and you will succeed.


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